I'm going to revise my description piece. In the practical sense, I have analysis and argument down, and I get synthesis and just don't really want to go back to that paper because it was boring and I got a B+ on it anyway. I feel in control of all those modes except for description, and my description piece is the one I feel I did the biggest disservice to. It would give me warm fuzzies if I wrote it well, and I would hug myself and treat myself to a hot cocoa.
I'm just gonna start the paper over. Same subject, same story, but I'm gonna stay chill about it. I've had a huge creative development recently, actually really abruptly, which I guess I'll talk more about in next week's blog. I didn't realize before that maybe I wasn't even writing in my own voice. My waxing poetic works half the time when I'm writing poetry, but I personally think it's kind of ugly when I'm writing about smoking a cigarette with Shanna.
I remember being told the "you learned something but your reader didn't" thing about the paper. I think the fashion in which I "showed" instead of "told" contributed to this. I didn't make myself clear enough. I'm going to be simpler in this draft; say what's on my mind. Often, I show too much and don't trust the reader to feel what I want them to feel. The way I've been writing recently is to tell in a way which shows; that's how I describe it. It works better for me.
As for the structure, I think I can focus on the same scenes, but pour over them less. I may give a less chaotic description of how we met. And since I found out I can go over the page limit, I'll add in the background details I watered down in the original draft and display my actual impressions of her classmates. I know not to drag it out too much, but I'm not gonna be afraid to go over five pages if it means bringing the paper to full body.
And this time I'm gonna have a venue in mind. This hasn't mattered in my last two papers, but if I thought of where I would see this paper it would help me put it down on the page in the right way. So, the way I predict it's going to play out, I'm gonna imagine it's going into one of those literary magazines that is just a little more popular than all the underground ones. Its title will be THE LANIARD. On its submission page it'll talk about how it wants real work, from real writers.
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